Reddit wallstreetbets krypto
Feb 1, 2021 What does the phenomenon of retail traders coordinating on the internet to turn finance on its head have to do with cryptocurrency?
Winklevoss Twins React To Reddit Trader Rebellion [FULL CNBC Interview] In this interview, the Winklevoss twins react to the Reddit Gamestop GME short … source Jakmile masivní pumpa ztratila dynamiku a obchodníci rychle vzali zisky, zdálo se, že investoři se přesunuli z kryptoměny založené na memech jinam. Pumpa původně začala, když burzy 28. ledna zabránily retailovým investorům v nákupu více akcií GameStop a AMC, což bylo koordinováno diskusní skupinou Reddit r / Wallstreetbets. Shop high-quality unique Krypto T-Shirts designed and sold by artists. Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, and everyone. R/wallstreetbets, also known as WallStreetBets or WSB, is a subreddit where participants discuss stock and option trading. It has become notable for its profane nature, aggressive trading strategies, and role in the 2021 GameStop short squeeze.
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30. Jan. 2021 Finanzmarkt in Bezug auf die Reddit Gruppe namens WallStreetBets verbreiten sich. Der Einfluss der Gruppe hat sogar die Krypto-Industrie erreicht, als eine neue Münze namens WallStreetBets (WSB) gerade auftauchte,&nb 29. jan 2021 Kryptovalutaen Dogecoin stiger voldsomt efter opmærksomhed på Reddit- gruppen Wallstreetbets skubber på fortællingen om at købe 28. Jan. 2021 Die Website zählt zu den größten Onlineforen der Welt. Bei Wallstreetbets geht es wie der Name schon andeutet um das in dem er die Frage stellt, ob die Meme-Kryptowährung Dogecoin jemals bei 1 $ war.
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Forbes has reached out to Reddit for remark. Additional Studying.
r/Wallstreetbetsnew: This is the public Wall Street Bets Sub!
2021 Zuerst haben sie Aktien gepumpt, danach die Krypto-Assets XRP und die Finanzrebellen rund um das Reddit-Forum #WallStreetbets damit 20. Febr. 2021 Unternehmen: Clean Power Capital Corp. WKN: A2QG78.
In fact, its effect was felt even in the cryptocurrency market shortly after, with a similar group called “ StatoshiStreetBets ” emerging. The group which describes itself as the “crypto version of WallStreetBets” is now going to launch cryptocurrency tokens for its own members. The Reddit announcement read, krypto_sam 0 points 1 point 2 points 6 months ago Got burned as well and dipped below 25K on my RH account.
Elon Muskilta saatiin kommentteja Bitcoiniin liittyen. Dogecoin se stal kryptoměnovou verzí Game Stop a subreddit WallStreetBets (WSB) možná právě zahájil altcoinovou sezónu. DOGE je již za leden na 10násobné ceně. WallStreetBets mánie. Včera jsme vás informovali o akciích Game Stop, které vyletěly celkem až o více než 1 700 %.
This warning can also fire if you made a selfpost Meme and posted a URL in the selftext instead of uploading a picture. Reddit community r/WallStreetBets surged by more than 1.5 million users overnight to 6 million members on Friday, as newly minted day traders and meme lovers piled in to watch the fun. Reddit отрицает причастность к накачке серебра Компании, владеющие SLV: WhaleWisdom Многие подписчики WallStreetBets считают, что скачок цен на серебро принесет пользу тем самым организациям, против которых они сплотились. WallStreetBets' moderators staged an attempted coup on Wednesday to kick out dissenting mods. Two waves of bans hit the WallStreetBets mods, one from themselves and one from Reddit.
Lost my kid this year. Put my money in GME and saw it turn green and then red, and then very very redbut you retards came back for me. We understand everyone is excited but please don't spam/flood with nonstop posts or you may be banned for excessive spam. Subreddit group SatoshiStreetBets, which advertises itself as "the crypto version of WallStreetBets," is getting ready to launch its own cryptocurrency token to members..
The group which describes itself as the “crypto version of WallStreetBets” is now going to launch cryptocurrency tokens for its own members.
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Reddit has aired its first Super Bowl spot celebrating the famous /WallStreetBets subreddit, though you might have missed it while reaching for a snack. It flashed on the screen for just five
Fucking pissed -- took the day off (but doubled my SPY calls this morning). I strongly believe ADA is over-hyped. Over the many years there were many "Ethereum-killers" that came out from NEO to EOS to Tezos. Each time people were saying the same things like "Yes, now this is definitely the one that will replace Ethereum and I haven't missed the boat on it" and guess what they never did. Feb 01, 2021 · /r/WallStreetBets Alert What has worked in favor of Ripple is no underlying fundamental but WallStreetBets, a Reddit group that is on a mission to send rich hedge funds into losses.
For those that rode out the storm the last 2 weeks from the short attack congrats. From mid 2.50's to .60 cents averaging 15 to 25 million shares traded each day.
The group moderators have now changed its access to private mode. Silver is currently heavily shorted and a majority of those short positions are bought by JP Morgan. Reddit sleuths in r/SubredditDrama immediately compiled a summary of ongoing problems in r/WallStreetBets that stemmed from rumors jartek had numerous alt accounts which he used to line his own "You Probably Shouldn't Bet Your Savings on Reddit's 'Wallstreetbets'". Vice. Retrieved March 16, 2020. Kawa, Luke (February 26, 2020). "Reddit's Profane, Greedy Traders Are Shaking Up the Stock Market".
Údajně šlo o krok proti velkým hedgeovým hráčům, kteří zashortovali velké peníze. WallStreetBets má téměř dva miliony členů, a tak disponuje poměrně velkou obchodní silou, která Shortové pozice zlikvidovala. Kdy prodat své krypto. Pokud začínáte uvažovat o nákupu kryptoměny na burze, nebo již nějaké krypto držíte, možná jste si již tuto otázku položili.A možná taky ne, totiž na začátku se člověk, který vidí krypto jako dlouhodobou investici, často soustředí jen na nákup. You know, without the retardedness of . Just some place that aggregates analysis paired with news exclusively.